How LivRight Works
LivRight Power Is Like An Onion...
LivRight Power is a Database.
If the first layer does not work you go to the next layer. However the power is in the database. People using the system to find out if a person is a criminal or NAZI supporter. LivRight discloses to others not to engage a criminal public servant, government agency or company. LivRight goes further in the engagement of these nefarious individuals and government agencies by telling the world that this person is untrustworthy. The puplic servants who work for these agencies are knowingly or unknowingly serving The4thReich and the new world order by being a NAZI
When a public servant or government agency commit crimes the assulted person has no other choice than the monopoly legal system for retribution. The legal system has had over 100 years to refine its laws to protect the pulic servants or individuals committing criminal acts. The clear and transparent go to law for judges is judicial immunity. End of Story. You now discover that you have no rights or freedom to protect yourself or property.

LivRight Success Will Be Fear.
To achieve fear public servants will realize that there is a system willing to publish; more important is the power to database the activities of an individual, government agency, company or any other organization who commits crimes against “We The People”. A public servant will begin asking the question should I serve this organization otherwise I maybe labeled as a NAZI. Fear will take control and the individual will stop working for a criminal police, lawyer or judge to protect their long term survival. Or file a lawsuit against the State for inducing them to commit crimes. Such as Jake Gullo and others etc..
So the average person understands a database allows another person or organizaton to search and track the activities of an individual to evaluate his or her relationship with this person, company or government agency. It is unfair when a monopoly becomes tyrannical. It is unfair when companies align with the objectives of the monopoly.
What LivRight Does...
LivRight publishes public records. LivRight focuses on the individual who committed the crime(s) so others have a choice to review public records and refuse their services. LivRight submits your “Claim For Action” with your public records to legal professionals outside of the United States jurisdiction for unbiased review. A report is sent to the person who Filed a Claim For Action. From this point an objective is outline between LivRight and the person who filed complaint. LivRight SEO & database professionals who are inside or outside of United States jurisdiction set up the information within the LivRight search systems. The claim for action is posted with public records, agreeved party message and World Justice League findings or review. Then a list of voting questions are created for “We The People” to respond. The results are sent to the employer of the government or company.
How LivRight desides on Actions to get results? This is a decision created by “We The People” not only in United States but around the world.
LivRight is duplicated on four continents for disclosure that this is World War 3. As well as protection created by mass involvement. Professionals around the world have backups to maintain and control the information to “We The People”.
For More Information see LivRight Disclosures, Terms, Conditions. This is in development and refinement.
Public Servants of the government are protected by a brotherhood and judical immunity. This means that they are free to act in as nefarious individuals in public service as well as private life. This impowers them with a false sence of justice to commit crimes to endulge the system. If you are entrapped by this individual(s) and the injustice of the legal system such as Donald Trump Or Russell Martin you will find help with LivRight.