Las Vegas Athletic Club Affiliate of The4thReich

Las Vegas Athletic Club

Be A Patriot

Vote To Control Government Public Servants

The World Justice League

World Justic League

As legal professional looking at the disclosures Robert Moos committed premeditated attempted murder although he has not been arrested or charged. The question still remains is Las Vegas Athletic Club aligning with the police & legal systems naritive that Robert Moos did nothing to violate membership rules? Is Las Vegas Athletic Club violating Club members rights to a safe environment when allowing a potential criminal and threat to other members to continue his membership.

Documentation and evidence represents that a professional retired police officers actions were premeditated with intent to assert authority that he did not possess. Furthermore if Robert Moos had caused death he would have gotten away with murder protected by the legal system. It is called Judicial Immunity. All public servants are protected under Judicial Immunity end of story. Don’t forget judicial immunity is not in the Constitution of the United States. It is a Nevada State law that allows the State of Nevada public servants to conduct criminal activities without retribution of legal actions. The State of Nevada is a monopoly system. 

Las Vegas Athletic Club allowed a criminal organization into the club to falsely arrest Russell Martin. Las Vegas Athletic Club failed to file a report with the arresting officer as to the rules of the racquetball courts.

Las Vegas Athletic Club allowed a violent retired police officer back into the club before Russell Martin was judged as guilty or not. 

Las Vegas Athletic Club contributed to the false naritive of Robert Moos whereby allowing Robert Moos continue his membership. 

Russell Martin is taking the initiative to start a BoyCott of Las Vegas Athletic Club.

Russell Martin’s objective is to distroy the income of LVAC and set the corporation on a path to bankruptcy so that another organization will purchase the assets. This will send a message to all other businesses and the legal system that when you call the police you will file a report. Anyone who serves or financially supports LVAC or the State of Nevada Police and Legal System are accessory to the crimes. Understand that the power of a database that gives knowledge to the world can effect your life. Mr. Martin understands that the citizen who pays taxes and sales tax to State of Nevada is paying money to support the criminal objectives of the police, sheriff, legal, and political systems that justify their existance by creating false arrests for profit. This distroys families long term. You need to make the decision are you a educated Patriot or Stupid NAZI?  LivRight.

Furthermore: Understand the risk LivRight is taking with The4thReich criminal legal system. Make a decision are you a Patriot or NAZI. LivRight will place a sign at the entrances of LVAC to give notice. If you continue to support LVAC with your membership pictures will be taken of you. You will be databased in LivRIght as a NAZI operative. You will be identified and you will find out how tough it is to get out of LivRight database. 

Read Details Below.

LivRight objective is to restore the Constitution of the United States as the law of the land and stop corruption in the police, legal systems, and public servants of government.  LivRight Mission Statement

Statement From Russell Martin, Defendant

Robert Moos Member of LVAC – Four and a half years ago November 20, 2019 was the date I was attacked by a retired police professional in the Las Vegas Athletic Club racquetball courts, I had no idea that a freight train of corruption in the police and legal system was coming my way. I obeyed the police thinking that the issue would be cleared up within 3 months.

I am informing you now that LVAC is an affiliate of The4thReich.  Read more about the relationship of The State of Nevada, Las Vegas serving The4thReich. Did you know that the biggest data base servers in the world are on 215 & Jones.  

LVAC is going to learn the hard way that serving the business model of The4thReach, the police and legal system now labeled as The4thReich will have financial consequences. 

The corrupt business model of the State of Nevada police, sheriff, legal and political system is an operative of The4thReich.

I am informing you that as a member of LVAC you are knowingly or unknowing serving as an operative of The4thReich. I will give you 30 to 60 days to stop working for LVAC or paying membership fees to a organization that is not a Patriot of The Constitituion “We The People.”

To further understand Russell Martin’s BoyCott of LVAC follow links that give disclosure about the tyrannical extorsion and corruption of the police and legal system. 

People’s lives are being distroyed financially when a police officer or sheriff turns NAZI to enrich their life and family while distroying another person’s life and family. The system tried to extort $100,000 plus from me or plead guilty. It is time that America and people around the world learn what it means to be a Patriot of “We The People”. 

The information you see about corrupt police officers on YouTube is just the tip of a spear. The real cutting and dismantling of a defendant begins when he goes to court.

On this day Gabriel Villanueva created a false arrest report with Felony Assault with a Deadly Weapon upon an Elderly Person. Las Vegas Athletic Club invited a criminal organization into it domain and aligned with the NAZI business model objective. It took years for Russell Martin to understand the business model. This police officer is a NAZI operative of the legal system now labeled as The4thReich. Gabriel Vallanueva manifestation of false arrest financially enriches the legal system. His goal was to represent his allegiance to The4thReich system of power and control. All the while enriching himself with a payroll. Now after four years defending myself in the legal system I discovered public servants progressing into NAZI’s for Th4thReich.
When this event happened I was unclear and naive as to why these police and legal professional would put their careers at risk. The legal professionals protect the police who create income for The4thReich system. I just could not get my head to understand how detailed the criminal judges “Bench” and court systems are when serving the mafia monopoly organized crime system we know as the State of Nevada.

The State of Nevada distroyed my income and releationship with my family. The State of Nevada distroyed my income and ability to enjoy my wife and daughter the way I wanted to live. 

These public servants and you as are accessory to the crimes of a NAZI business model. These individuals distroyed my income and prospects to be successful for my family. There families and you will understand that you  are NAZI’s working for The4thReich. All of you will stop serving The4thReich or you will be financial distroyed. LivRight