Judge Michael Villani Las Vegas NV Or NAZI?

While Attending Court For 4 Years.
There was one man who was telling the judge that he did not have money to defend himself. He quick reported that he was not guilt because he took two breath tests and both were 0 for alcohol. The police claimed he was intoxicated on marijuana and arrested him. His story was that his friend called him to the bar to take him home. The policeman saw him leave the bar with his drunk friend. The policeman was looking for a DUI arrest. The judge assigned him a public defender. I do not know the rest of the story but if the breath test did not find him drunk the process of law is being embellished to support a legal system at the expense of a person who is not guilty.
Judge Michael Villani Las Vegas NV
Written by Russell Martin/Under construction
Judge Michael Villani or NAZI? – Michael Villani already has been removed from public service. He retired early because he does not want to serve the4threich or was discharged. He has violated so many court laws defending as judge I got sick in his court. I am living in a third world country with no defence and being put in jail or killed for a crime I did not commit. I know this is happening to other people and I am not the only person being extorted and used to enrich the police and legal system. I know that the system is a business model to justify existance of the police and legal system. But is it maturing into system wher the power elite want complete control of “We The People” that is for another subject.
Judges Need To Be Publicly Discharge.
I talked with two others in hallway. Men who were confused trying to defend themselves without a public defender. Hmmmm?
What will the legal system do when no one trusts the public defenders?