Judge Tara-Clark-Newberry Attorney Las Vegas NV or "NAZI SS"?

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If you get Judge Tara Clark Newberry as a Judge or lawyer run away refuse her public or private services in court or out of court. LivRight objective is to restore the Constitution of the United States and stop corruption in the police and legal system.  LivRight Mission Statement

The4thReich – Judge Tara Clark Newberry represented her allegiance and power to The4thReich when she obstructed justice with “Judicial Immunity” for all legal and public servants. Her activism of Russell Martin’s lawsuit was clearly to protect against the lawsuit of Robert Moos, Las Vegas Athletic Club the legal system and police.

Judges use their personal views, leadership and potentially overreaching judicial justice when they interpret the laws with intent of malace or  to deceive and cheat. The problem for the legal system in Russell Martin’s case is the legal system construting false evidence and withholding evidence all of which creates a criminal stitution in ways to achieve, control, and represent power. When United States Superior Court or Nevada Superior Court makes policy decisions that serve a court case it does not mean it may serve as legal justice for another case. However it becomes a tool for justification when another judge wants to aline with the business model or political 4thReich leadership. This is a method of legal justification for lawyers and judges. The judges are impowered to control legal cases as long as they keep the defendant from a jury trial.  This very reason is why a judges are obstructing Mr. Martin from a jury trial in both District Court and Civil Court. A jury trial is a fundamental right of The Constitution of the United States.

What Mr. Martin discovered is that he could look up the laws but COULD NOT look up court cases unless he has legal account with a search service. This is a business model to obstruct justice when a person realizes he needs to defend himself. This should be an open database the same as Nevada State Laws.

The question also remains is obstruction of justice created because Mr. Martin is defending himself? Both District Court and Civil Court with Judge Diane Sullivan? This is a monopoly system that wants to protect its income. Truly a civil defense lawyer, public defense lawyer is over rated and more than likely a servant of the legal system rater than the defendant.

Russell Martin filed a lawsuit that represented; arrest report and false witness statements, claims that Robert Moos attacked Russell Martin. lawsuit against LVAC for failing to file an incident report and claims against all police, lawyers, and judges. Judge Tara Clark Newberry used the power of judical immunity to stop all claims of public servants criminal conduct. She obstructed other claims with judical activism using legal terms and case laws to fit the objective of The4thReich keeping Mr. Martin from a jury trial.

Read Details Below.

LivRight objective is to restore the Constitution of the United States and stop corruption in the police, legal system and public servants. 

LivRight Mission Statement

Statement From Russell Martin, Defendant

The4thReich – Judge Tara Clark Newberry represented her allegiance and power to The4thReich when she obstructed justice with “Judicial Immunity” for all legal public servants. Tara Clarkson dismantling of Russell Martin’s lawsuit was clearly to protect against the lawsuit of Robert Moos, Las Vegas Athletic Club the legal system and police.

Judges use their personal views, leadership and potentially overreaching judicial justice when they interpret the laws with intent of malace or  to deceive and cheat. The problem for the legal system in Russell Martin’s case is the legal system construting false evidence and withholding evidence all of which creates a criminal stitution in ways to achieve, control, and represent power. When United States Superior Court or Nevada Superior Court makes policy decisions that serve a court case it does not mean it may serve as legal justice for another case. However it becomes a tool for justification when another judge wants to aline with the business model or political 4thReich leadership. This is a method of legal justification for lawyers and judges. The judges are impowered to control legal cases as long as they keep the defendant from a jury trial.  This very reason is why a judges are obstructing Mr. Martin from a jury trial in both District Court and Civil Court. A jury trial is a fundamental right of The Constitution of the United States.

What Mr. Martin discovered is that he could look up the laws but COULD NOT look up court cases unless he has legal account with a search service. This is a business model to obstruct justice when a person realizes he needs to defend himself. This should be an open database the same as Nevada State Laws.

The question also remains is obstruction of justice created because Mr. Martin is defending himself? Both District Court and Civil Court with Judge Diane Sullivan? This is a monopoly system that wants to protect its income. Truly a civil defense lawyer, public defense lawyer is over rated and more than likely a servant of the legal system rater than the defendant.

Russell Martin filed a lawsuit that represented; arrest report and false witness statements, claims that Robert Moos attacked Russell Martin. lawsuit against LVAC for failing to file an incident report and claims against all police, lawyers, and judges. Judge Tara Clark Newberry used the power of judical immunity to stop all claims of public servants criminal conduct. She obstructed other claims with judical activism using legal terms and case laws to fit the objective of The4thReich keeping Mr. Martin from a jury trial.

Read Details Below.

Las Vegas Police, Sheriffs Lawyers, Judges, District Attorneys, Attorney General have sadly lost there compass driven by income and power to serve the corrupt business model of The4thReich.