Jake Gullo Attorney - Public Defender / Enemy of LivRight

How Public Servants Are Paid?

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Vote To Control Government Public Servants

The World Justice League

World Justic League

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LivRight objective is to restore the Constitution of the United States and stop corruption in the police, legal system and public servants. 

LivRight Mission Statement


The4thReich – Taking Control Of America, The World…

WORLD WAR 3 is Declared on the Constitution of the United States and Other Countries Constitutions. STATE OF NEVADA is a leader in the objective to serve The4thReich. Love him or hate him? But understand that Donald Trump represents the Constitution and our rights under the Constitution. If Donald Trump falls so does United States. You will be subject to public servants who knowingly or unknowingly serve The4thReich. This is not about Donald Trump and Stormy Daniels a Hooker who was not charged with solicitation or extortion for solicitation. Look at how the Constitution is being ignored, violated, and eroded. The One World Order is representing its power by attacking Donald Trump to send a message around the World. The message is, “You will be commanded to submit to the power of The4thReich”. The4thReich is representing its silent power around the world by destroying President Donald Trump and the Constitution. What is happening in Donald Trump’s court action happens at the lowest level of courts “Small Claims’, Civil Courts and District Court cases. Russell Martin discovered corruption in the State of Nevada that has exposed a progressive NAZI mentallity in public servants. Public servants in key positions of investigation and  authority refused to give their name. The NAZI  mentallity extended through out all of the government offices including the FBI who refused to respond. There was a glass wall controlling the legal system that would not allow a defendant or plaintiff to defend or prosecute. The business model of the Nevada State police and legal system is clear and tranparent. If the State of Nevada criminal police and legal system wants to put you in jail for a crime or political disclosure they can do this process and you have no defense of protection created by The Constitution of the United States. All of the public servants will follow The4thReich leadership because they need their payroll. This is a path of WW2 NAZI progressive mentallity leading to the same atrocitiess of WW2. The4thReich is a criminal path of corruption to social control. The trickle down of corrupt leadership is progressive by nature of creating power though payrolls to the individuals serving as public servants. “Russell Martin Las Vegas” The legal actions that happened to Russell Martin will clearly and transparently represent what is happening to Donald Trump at the highest levels of the United States Courts. Control of United States is no longer in the hands of the Constitution “We The People”. To save America and leadership around The World “We The People” need to unite and remove public servants who are following the leadership of The4thReich.



There is a foundation of trust that America has in The Constitution of the United States that allows an individual rights and protection. STATE OF NEVADA and the leadership of Joe Lombardo with his associates; the American political, legal, and police  leadership has broken this trust relationship. However this is the GRAND OBJECTIVE of the ONE WORLD ORDER. When the legal system becomes corrupt the only option is trust in The Constitution of the United States and the right to a jury trial. The Attorney General, District Attorney, Judges and all of the public defenders and prosecutors have supported efforts to deny Mr. Martin rights to a fair and just trial. This is not just happening to Russell Martin. This is a business model of corruption and extortion. Through the process of searching for answers in support organization Russell Martin discovered that public servants in organizations of The State of Nevada were unwilling to disclose their name. This is the steps of being a NAZI State. Joe Lombardo the STATE of Nevada is serving. The4thReich

MONEY ADDITIONAL is collected from the people of the State of Nevada and Visitors in the form of SALES TAX to pay for the police and legal systems. Millions and Millions of dollars is collected everyday. This money needs to be justified by arrests and convictions. This becomes a business model of necessity to justify expenses. This business model distroys the income of a defendant when he will not plead guilty or has to accept charges that were not justified in an arrest.

Mr. Martin is only one man standing up to give disclosure to this issue as well as other chargeable offenses of the legal professionals. However over time will more people come forward who have been falsely charged for crimes they did not commit. Mr. Martin is still enduring further encounters with the legal and police system that includes withholding police body videos and pictures as well as tampering with the videos cutting audio and content. Mr. Martin submitted an updated package to give final disclosure before engaging LivRight.

LivRight is declaring A BOYCOTT on the State of Nevada until damages are settled and the resignation or discharge of key players are removed from public service. The BOYCOT will remain until State of Nevada publishes the resignation or discharge of public servants and reparations of damages are paid.

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Las Vegas Police, Sheriffs Lawyers, Judges, District Attorneys, Attorney General have sadly lost there compass driven by income and power to serve the corrupt business model of The4thReich.