How Are Public Servants Paid?

How Are Public Servants Paid?
How do cops, lawyers, judges get their money?
Right, get it right, understand.
How Are Public Servants Paid? A public servants payroll is your money being paid to the public servant. Technically, yes – our tax dollars pay for law enforcement, but there’s more to it. Law enforcement agencies are funded through federal, state, and local contributions. Most funding, however, comes from local sources, and the amount varies depending on factors such as crime rate, city size, location, and wealth There’s more to it. Most funding, however, comes from local sources in Nevada a Sales Tax. Why is this important?
Because the money you spend when you purchase a product goes to the criminal cops, lawyers, judges and public servants. This makes you an accomplice to the crimes of the police, legal system and politicians. Who are secretly removing your rights of freedom. You are paying for them to extort and steal your rights under the Constitution of the United States “We The People” The pattern of extortion and racketeering needs to be stopped.
An accomplice is defined as a person who knowingly, voluntarily, or intentionally gives assistance to another in (or in some cases fails to prevent another from) the commission of a crime.
An accomplice is criminally liable to the same extent as the principal.
This post is an understanding of a movement to stop the extortion of freedom and the rights of an individual within the Constitution of the United States.
Stop The Rise of The4thReich!
The State of Nevada Police, Legal, and Political System is the new 4thReich rising.
Hmmm? Switch On 215 & Jones?
Interesting when you see these database centers you know that they cannot be a function of private enterprises. The cost to build a fence that is 16 feet high with bars is government building in plain sight. If you look at the new location on the north you see that there are NO construction disclosure signs. Who is the developer, dust control etc.
Look and ask yourself why? What are the true use of these databases and who is managing them. Are they fore a new money trading system or Social Score SS? I do not know? I do not have time to look. Someone else will have to do it.